Owner: Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation
Location: Ruby Reservoir, South of Alder, MT
Major Components of Work: Work included modifications to the existing outlet works of the Ruby Dam. Diversion of the stream, bypass of water over the spillway, dewatering, unwatering, cofferdam design and construction, excavation of dam embankment, installation of foundation drains, dam embankment, backfill concrete, cast-in-place structural concrete outlet works and stilling basin with grouted anchor bars, demolition and replacement of 72-inch knife gate, sliplining of the existing outlet works tunnel with a 72-inch steel liner and associated grouting of the annulus, new cast-in-place structural concrete gate house and valve house with 18-inch and 60-inch jet flow gates. Johnson-Wilson Constructors, Inc. self-performed 90% of the work and subcontracted 10%.