Owner: U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
Location: Glendo Dam, Glendo, WY
Major Components of work: Work included construction of 7 miles of new road, onsite processing of embankment materials, guardrail installation, construction of a new auxilliary spillway which included 200,000 CY of excavation, foundation preparation, cofferdam design and construction, concrete cutoff walls, construction of 20,000 CY RCC structure, cast-in-place structural concrete ogee crest spillway and gravity end blocks totalling 4,500 CY, foundation anchor bars, modification to the existing dam, dam excavation, left abutment scaling, rock bolts, netting, zoned embankment, soil cement embankment, cast-in-place structural concrete parapet walls, drainage piping, structural concrete modifications to existing service spillway, traffic control, erosion control, shotcrete on abutments. All forms of concrete, RCC, Soil Cement, Shotcrete, and flowable fill was batched onsite by Johnson-Wilson constructors utilizing various mix designs. Also installed emergency toe drains at the downstream toe of existing dikes due to seepage and flooding concerns.